Friday, May 31, 2013

Best Dividend Paying Stock List As Of June 2013 – 25 Dividend Shares With A Proven History

Best Dividend Paying Stock Lists By Dividend Yield – Stock, Capital, Investment. I love it to screen stocks by value and fundamentals. It gives me the possibility to evaluate stocks and compare them by its data. Especially in times of a low interest environment, it’s more important to select cheap dividend paying stocks with a proven history.

I’ve created a quick dividend list (from low-yield to high-yield paying stocks) of stocks with interesting performance and valuation figures. Stocks from that list are mid- and large caps (market capitalization of more than USD 1 billion) with double-digit long-term earnings growth rates. The companies are traded at AMEX, NYSE, NASDAQ and part of the Dow Jones, S&P 500 or Nasdaq Composite. The list is selected by the following criteria and sorted by dividend yield.

Market Capitalization: > 1 Billion
Price/Earnings Ratio: > 0 < 100
Dividend Yield: > 3 < 20
Return on Investment: > 10 < 100
Operating Margin: > 10 < 100
10 Year Revenue Growth: > 8 < 200
10 Year EPS Growth: > 10 < 100

This time, only 25 companies fulfilled the above mentioned criteria. Eight of the results are High-Yields and seventeen got a buy or better rating from brokerage analysts.

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