Stocks with a very long history of consecutive dividend growth built a great trust relationship to their long-term owners.
One investment category with the longest dividend streaks are Dividend Champions. Those stocks have raised dividends over a period of more than 25 years without an interruption.
Today I will present you the highest yielding stocks from the Dividend Champions List. On the list are 105 U.S. listed companies but only five of them are High-Yields, stocks with over 5 percent dividend yield.
Please don't focus on high yielding stocks. It's also dangerous to invest money into the top paying shares on the market. Some could cut their dividends if the cash flow weakens. We've seen this process with Pitney Bowes. Not enough: The top yielding stocks have underperformed the market this year!
However, below is a detailed compilation of the highest yielding Dividend Champions. Feel free to submitt some comments on your thoughts.
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