Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Best Dividend Paying Stock List As Of May 2013 – 26 Most Impressive Dividend Growth Stocks

Best Dividend Paying Stock Lists By Dividend Yield – Stock, Capital, Investment. On the first day of each month, I create a quick dividend list (from low-yield to high-yield paying stocks) of stocks with interesting performance and valuation figures. Stocks from that list are mid- and large caps (market capitalization of more than USD 1 billion) with double-digit long-term earnings growth rates. The companies are traded at AMEX, NYSE, NASDAQ and part of the Dow Jones, S&P 500 or Nasdaq Composite. The list is selected by the following criteria and sorted by dividend yield.

Market Capitalization: > 1 Billion
Price/Earnings Ratio: > 0 < 100
Dividend Yield: > 3 < 20
Return on Investment: > 10 < 100
Operating Margin: > 10 < 100
10 Year Revenue Growth: > 8 < 200
10 Year EPS Growth: > 10 < 100

The reason behind is to find some attractive valuated companies with a strong market position and pricing power. Some of the results are distorted because they had an extraordinary good economic situation in the past. I’m talking about basic material stocks. Within the recent years, underlying prices for commodities increased very strongly because of China’s hunger for raw material. As a result, earnings as well as margins of mining companies exploded. The second most represented sector from the screen is the technology sector. 26 companies fulfilled the above mentioned criteria; 17 of them are currently recommended to buy.

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